Volunteer Experience 2

Mariah Smith
Volunteer Experience 2

            I will be summarizing my volunteer experience over a four-month period at Kodaikanal International School during after school hours. Approximately 60% of the student population is Indian and the other 40% of students come from about 30 different countries. The population of both the students and staff is very diverse and almost all live on campus or on nearby school property.
            January 17-19 I went to camp with 60 ninth graders from the school. The weekend started Friday after school and ended Sunday afternoon. As a volunteer it was required of me to ensure that all students are within a safe environment and are being in appropriate relations with one another. There were many activities for the students to participate in and as a group leader, I motivated students and made sure student felt included to participate in the activity. The activities included rock-wall climbing, rafting, swimming, zip lining, archery, and lots of eating. During this volunteer experience, I learned what moments are more important to let students do whatever they would like instead of telling them what they need to do. The goal of the weekend was to help students socialize with other students especially the ones that were new this semester.
            During the spring semester of school I have been co-leading a Swing Dance club that meets every Friday for students. We have at least four students each week and at most ten students. This opportunity has provided experience on how to teach students through movement and this has expanded my ideas on what I could do in the classroom. We teach them how to lead and follow in the dance steps, which gives students the chance to be in multiple roles. The objective of the class is to provide students a chance to socialize with other students and to teach culture of America through dance. Many of the students have never danced this particular way but after practicing for a few weeks on the basic step, they become naturals. When there is a new student who comes to the class, I ask another student to step up and teach the basic step. It is great to see students go out of their comfort zone to help their peers.
            In February I was a chaperone for the students of the National Honor Society to go to a nearby orphanage and paint the buildings. The students that participate in this volunteer work are seniors and high school. I decided right off the bat to put three students in charge and these students did a great job getting the paint, buckets, and paintbrushes for us. I encouraged the students to take a break every hour or so to go play soccer with the kids who live at the orphanage. This volunteer experience has taught me that helping students find their desire in helping others is very important and that it is easy to find a local organization to volunteer at for the students.
            These volunteer opportunities are few of many that I have been able to participate in the last four months. The best thing that came out of this experience is seeing the students out of school and talking to them about their passions, desires, and woes that I would not necessarily get to hear about at school.

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